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Showing posts from December, 2020

Who is a Wise Person?!

 Hello Friends, We must have one or the other time have heard that The wise men said.... Now who are these Wise men, and makes them so special???  Also with being special, many of the other public feel, Would we ever achieve wisdom ? Wise is beyond our reach ? We belittle ourselves with the complex and myth and no proper understanding of Wise, Wisdom... Wisdom is a trait or propertyof the person who is wise. Wise person is the one who understands, is learned, has unleashed himself totally from within. Let me put the traits of being wise and then you yourself can decide that Being wise is Within or Beyond our Reach and Is it important for us to be wise??!!! 1. First, understand the fact, all humans have special traits. However, All Humans are inherently the same with respect to Soul and its Property of Completeness 2. So, wise or unwise are humans only. So we all can definitely become wise. 3. The fear factor of being wise is to be Responsible with thoughts, actions in all resp...

Human - The Natural Being than a Social Animal !!!

 Hello, We all in school have learnt in Civics and Science that Human is a Social Animal...  Yes, Neelam, we all have heard that.... Now what new in it??!!! Well - Well, I would like to highlight 3 words : Human, Social and Animal.... Human is one of the  top and Complete in the 4 Orders in Nature's Pyramid of Creation of Living & Non-Living things (Matter --- Elements, Metals, Stones, Precious stones, etc, Vegetation / Air ---Plants, Animal Order - All types of Herbivores, Carnivores, Mammals, etc and Last The Intellect - Humans) Find below an image in Hindi showing 4 Orders in Nature, when in sync & harmony have no issues, though,humans equation with all orders have caused issues... The link to this image... Now, as per Science, definitely we humans have our history from Monkeys. However, in the above picture, It clearly shows, we are the Highest in Nature's Order with r...

Are Resolutions kept to be Broken ??!!

  Hi all, We are nearing Christmas 🎄🧑‍🎄 Its Time for Celebrations, Gifts, Carols, Gifts, Resolutions, etc ... The history of Resolution started with Christian people offering A promise to their Gods on the New Year's Eve, as simply put like a Return Gift to God.... This Tradition of Resolution making has now, in the whole world, taken its trend to keeping a Promise for Self Change. Just Imagine, if we have even one Reason to make a Resolution for Self Betterment, it totally implies, there is a Genuine Need of  positive Correction in Self...!!! Making and breaking happens, when we take Resolution as A Promise made. Promise, actually can be kept to be broken, since we deal them with respect to us, taking Ourselves as only Physical Human Body.... Don't you agree, that we are Precious Creation of nature, not limited to Body factors, but Intellect and Understanding of A thing called Soul, which we actually are..😁😄 So, if you think, you are Leading a Great, Happy Human life, th...

Happiness... Simple word right!!!!

Hi all, I am happy when I go out with friends, I am happy when people come home, Mom is happy when she feeds her children and family full, Dad is happy when is, able to fulfill needs of Family, Children are happy when they get chocolates, We are happy when we go for outings every vacation, We are happy when we have no one visiting our place, I am happy when I get Peaceful sleep, and so on..... The list for happiness is long and it seems that Happiness is different to one and all... Life is simple so should be Happiness 🙂 But the wise men took many births, resorted to so many practices to find Happiness!!! 🙈🙆😮 What is the happiness they spent their lives for, and what is Happiness we find in the above sentences??!!! We saw in the above circumstances that  * Happiness is state of mind * Happiness differs as per situation and moods.   * Happiness is short lived. * Happiness is never same for everyone. * You cannot be happy all time. * Happiness changes according to Age. ...