Hello Friends,
We must have one or the other time have heard that The wise men said....
Now who are these Wise men, and makes them so special???
Also with being special, many of the other public feel, Would we ever achieve wisdom ? Wise is beyond our reach ? We belittle ourselves with the complex and myth and no proper understanding of Wise, Wisdom...
Wisdom is a trait or propertyof the person who is wise.
Wise person is the one who understands, is learned, has unleashed himself totally from within.
Let me put the traits of being wise and then you yourself can decide that Being wise is Within or Beyond our Reach and Is it important for us to be wise??!!!
1. First, understand the fact, all humans have special traits. However, All Humans are inherently the same with respect to Soul and its Property of Completeness
2. So, wise or unwise are humans only. So we all can definitely become wise.
3. The fear factor of being wise is to be Responsible with thoughts, actions in all respects.
4. To understand, Know the Truths and facts of one's being, the Whole Co - Existence around in form of the whole Cosmos, Nature, Atmosphere, Living, Non-Living things, are some of striking features of a wise man.
5. The journey of being wise started first realising the fact of Being human and understanding what makes us humans outstand among the Creation of nature.
6. Persistent Self introspective nature, consistent Sadhana to know the Self and its truth, helps a person to walk on the path of Being wise.
7. Once, the whole Existence and Relationship in this Co-existence is understood, the onus lies now to prove being wise, which is a result of Following the Natural Process very systematically and in a effortless manner !!!
8. My relative did not care for me and ditched me. If I am a wise person, I would know that every person is a Follower of Happiness, I would accept the other person as he or she is. I would patiently be in such a conduct of dealings that will not change my perception of love and Being happy.
On the contrary, I would also understand that it's my turn to act very responsibly, as being wise among the two.
9. Self Confidence, Self esteem, Self Integrity, Self Knowledge, Self Introspection, patience, Understanding, Self Analysis, true & realistic evaluation of self and others, Being Harmonious to all Co-existence, continuous Conduct of Humane Behaviour with Correct Value System, Being Responsible, Accountable, Forgiveness, Complementing always to raise other's potential in right direction are some of the Main features required in a Wise person.
10. The wise man is always happy and in enjoyment..!!
11. The balance in mind, speech, deeds, behaviour is maintained always by a wise person.
12. Being superior in Conduct, Understanding, knowledge, Achievement of Completeness within, keeps the wise men all the more grounded and in sync with the Natural Order.
What say!!!! Can we all become wise and would want to achieve the Correct Wisdom soon....
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