Hello Friends,
Hope you had a great Vantine's day and enjoyed my previous blog on the same...
The link to my previous post is
The wonderful souls to make a miracle happen to another soul by giving birth in this beautiful world, are no doubt given the Place of God.... The souls named Parents here...♥️ππ♥️
Imagine going through the wonderful experience of Parenthood, Raising a part of them to a full grown human, must be exciting, anxious, fearful, yet wonderful phase of Parents.
A mere Smile, a Hug, a kind word, a first calling Dad, mom, paa, Maa, A first Crawl, A small step to a walk, a First run, A sharing, a sweet gesture fromtheir child /children must a Big Deal for parents.
(While Writing this line, I am literally getting Goosebumps)
We may say that parents needed a child of own flesh, a child for their Old age support or maybe since parents gave birth to child, whatever they do is their Moral responsibility and Duty !!!!
Don't we in our busy lives, forget these gestures and knowingly / unknowingly do not reciprocate their love, smaile, happiness with a small hug, smile or spend our time with them and for them???
I stayed recently with my Mom, who has gone single with my Papa passing away.. I saw those wrinkles of sacrifice, age, yet my small smile, Hug, just being with her, meant a World to her and How a Smile Straightened those wrinkled lines of the face...
A small struggle in her life, but so stro gly she kept her life going with Smiling always and keeping herself busy with me and her friends.
The least care can definitely mean a lot to our parents. So, just always be for them.
A Small silent prayer to all Parents out there for your Healthy and Happy lives... May you and your children have a great Life and alwaysbe together in every Thick and Thin....ππ
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